Commercialization of SmartHealth technology products

Assignment name: Creating, commercial demonstration and promotion of industrial prototype for integrated technology product «SmartHealth» to provide opportunities for patients to make informed decisions as how to prevent and detect diseases and to restore health Value of the contract: US$ 150,000
Country: Location within country: Entire country Duration of the assignment: 24 months
Name of Client: Kazakhstan National Agency for Technological Development
Start date: September 2014
Completion date:
October 2016
Staff involved in the project: Global Technology Network LLC
HealthCity LLC
Narrative description of the project:

  • Develop a business plan for promotion and commercial demonstration of «SmartHealth» technology products with the goal of attracting its potential customers to a commercial services sector. The business plan should include the following components:
  • Development of algorithms, a key component of the “SmartHealth” product and a set of applications enabling users to identify possible causes of symptoms of common diseases;
  • Designing three main versions of algorithms for the web and mobile platforms (Android и iOS) in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English;
  • Integration with resources of healthcare web-portal, including integration with its interactive resources such as food pyramid, body-mass index, Q&A with medical professor, etc.;
  • Creation of a search system helping users to locate healthcare organizations and medical professionals in Kazakhstan and abroad and integration of all components of product;
  • Integration with Health Ministry’s Protocols for Disease Diagnosis and Treatment and with international protocols and disease classification systems;
  • Practical implementation of components by making them a part of electronic patient records system to support a network of private centers for personalized medicine and diagnostic clinic being developed under “HealthCity” project;
  • Creation of a wide-ranging database on healthcare organizations and medical professionals with options for rating, feedback assessment and paid access for physicians and healthcare organizations.
  • Protection of intellectual property rights to all “SmartHealth” platforms and components, including those designed for mobile platforms based on iOS and Android operating systems.
  • Direct demonstration of the product functions amongst governmental and non-governmental healthcare organizations as well as at technology and healthcare exhibitions.
  • Marketing and promotion of the “SmartHealth” technology product among existing and potential customers and advertisers in Kazakhstan and other countries.
Almaz Sharman, President, Academy of Preventive Medicine
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 66 Klochkov st, office 601
+7 (727) 317-8855